Shuffle App Creation

2 minutes to read

Documentation for app development with Python (as opposed to creating them with the app editor, e.g. with an OpenAPI specification).

Table of contents


Apps are how work is done in Shuffle. They receive a piece of data, whether JSON or string, performs some action, then returns data back to the user. Apps are mostly community-made, and we aim to support that the best way we can. We allow apps to be made as Swagger/OpenAPI specifications using the app creator OR directly with Python. Each app contains multiple actions, which again can have multiple parameters. More about apps and how they work here.

The premise behind all apps that run in Shuffle, is that they each run in an isolated Docker container, for control, security and scalability. You provide arguments to an app in a Shuffle workflow, and when the workflow is run, your app is reached in the control flow, it will be launched as a new container. Shuffle then sends the apps argument data, and the container destroyed when the app's work is completed.

The underlying design of Apps in Shuffle are based on WALKOFF with minor differences. Most of the documentation below will therefore be close to their approach.

PS: There is no way of creating a Python app easily for the cloud yet. Apps released on Github will eventually be available on too.

More about apps

App development process

This page is about how to develop a new Shuffle app. Want to know how to decide whether to make something new? Checkout the process document and then come back here.


  • App creator: Understanding of HTTP
  • Python app: Base understanding of Python 3.x

Why create a custom app?

There are many prebuilt apps in Shuffle, all performing unique actions. There may however be an integration you need that doesn't exist yet. You may either make this yourself or commission this to be made through Shuffle - we're always looking to expand our repository of apps!

Python or the App Creator

A normal question we get asked all the time - should I use the app creator or Python directly? Find out by answering these questions (will be expanded):

1. Is the app a HTTP API? 	Use the App Creator.
2. Does the app need to perform custom actions? Use Python.

How apps are built

When you build an app in Shuffle, it goes through a validation process before building the app. This process ends in a fully working Docker Image containing your apps, pointing to the original app specification to ensure users can use it in the front-end as well.

App Creator in the Shuffle UI

The app creator in Shuffle is built to handle any integration for HTTP apps you may think of. It's based on OpenAPI, and will generate the app using the Python SDK in the background.

Here's an example from a workshop

Getting started

If you have an OpenAPI config already

  • Click the "Generate from OpenAPI", paste the URL or data for your OpenAPI specification, then validate, before submitting. This should show you the app creator. ...

If you want to create an app

UI overview

Creating or editing an app in Shuffle is made to be as simple and fast as possible. These are a few of the main main things in the UI.

Apps view 6

  • Name: The app's name. Visible to everyone.
  • Description: A description for the app.
  • Image: An image for the app - should be square.
  • Base URL: The BASE URL for the app. Example: Should NOT end with a /
  • Authentication: Authentication for the REST API.
	- No authentication: Means no authentication for the user
	- API key: An API-key to be put in a header or query 
	- Bearer Auth: Wants a "Bearer token" from the user. Uses the "Authorization" header field.
	- Basic Auth: Uses Basic auth. Requires username and password from a user.
	- Oauth2: Based on Oauth2 and also works with OpenID. Works with all major providers, and handles refresh tokens for you. [More here](/docs/app_creation#oauth2)
  • Extra configuration items: These are extra headers or queries the user HAS to provide when using the app.
  • Actions: Where you add the paths for each endpoint.
  • Categories: The category the app belongs to. Nothing fitting? Set it to "Other"
  • Tags: Add 1-5 tags that seem to fit.


There are many ways to authenticate Shuffle apps. The most important thing is to understand how authentication is reflected in a Workflow. Authentication fields become "required" fields, and can be stored in the App Authentication, utilized in a workflow. These are the authentication Options found in the App Creator:

  • No Authentication
  • API Key
  • Bearer Auth
  • Basic Auth
  • Oauth2
  • JWT
  • Extra Authentication

Below is an explanation for each of these.

PS: Do not add your API key(s) to the App itself. This is done during authentication

No Authentication

Self-explanatory - no authentication is added, meaning no new required fields.


API-key allows you to add a Header or a Query (?field=value in URL) to the HTTP request. This will additionally add a URL field to the authentication, so that both the authentication and URL can be encrypted and re-used.

Normally used for keys like: "X-API-KEY" or "?auth="

Additionally, you can add a Prefix. This is NOT your API key itself. Example:

  • You want to add a Header key that is "apikey=token "
  • Fill in the Key to be "apikey", and choose Field Type "Header".
  • To make this convenient, fill in "token " in the Value Prefix field.
  • The user now only has to fill in the apikey part, as Shuffle will add the prefix automatically

Bearer Auth

Bearer Auth is a special authentication that is very close to API key. It does what the previous authentication does, but in a very specific way. If Bearer Auth is enabled, the Header that is added will ALWAYS look like this:

Authorization=Bearer <apikey>

This is used widely enough that we decided to add it as it's own authentication type.

Basic Auth

Basic Auth is like a Login. It uses a Username and Password which has to be filled in. This will then get translated into base64 in the following format: base64(username:password), and further added as a Header to the request in the following format:

Authorization=Basic base64(username:password)

Very widely used in older systems.


Oauth2 is a special kind of multi-step authentication, meaning Shuffle will run a request to authorize your user's access before the actual HTTP request runs. There are two main forms of it that are widely used by larger companies: Delegated and Application.

  • Delegated Permissions are a way for you to give access to something from your (typically) individual account. This can be an account at work, but is still from an individual's account. This will create a popup where you need to accept these permissions. Requires Client ID + Client Secret + Scope + user login
  • Application Permissions require a Client ID + Client Secret + Scope, and are the typical way to use Oauth2 for security. It uses permissions from the platform itself, and usually has more permissions than delegated, but doesn't allow you to delve into the personal access of an individual.

PS: As of October 2023, we only support Delegated Permissions in the App Creator (Application is TBA).

As the creator of the app, you will need to fill in three (3) fields to help Shuffle and the user with Authorization:

  • Authorization URL
  • Token URL (does refresh as well typically)
  • Scopes

All of these should be retrieved from the 3rd party platform itself. The Scopes are options the user can use to Authenticate the app, and we suggest adding as many relevant ones as possible to the list, with the most popular first.


For the most well-known apps, Shuffle may have even added a "One-step signin" for an app. If you want this for your app to make it easier for users, contact us. If this is not in place, the user needs to fill in a Client ID and Client Secret themselves.


Extra Authentication

Additionally, there is a field called "Extra Authentication". This is meant to add extra REQUIRED

Let's use "GreyNoise" as an example.

GreyNoise uses the URL "" and authentication type of "API key" with the header "key". Apps view 8

When authenticating this app in a workflow, we will therefore see two fields - "API key" and "URL". As you can see, the URL is auto-filled, but editable, as some services have configurable URL's.

Apps view 12

If you want extra variables added to the required authentication, you can add them with the "Extra configuration items". The defined header or query will then be added to every request from the user.

Apps view 14


Oauth2 is a special authentication mechanism, most used by major providers like Google and Microsoft, but also others who want good authentication mechanisms. Oauth2 works by primarily defining two URL's (three with refresh token URL) and scopes that can be used. One good example is microsoft graph.

As per the provider's documentation, you need to find their authorization url, token URL and Scopes that are matching what you want to do. Here's what we found from Microsoft. Please keep in mind you do NOT have to add the queries, but just the main URL. For Microsoft the user will have to change the tenant.


After filling these in, you can now safely proceed to a Workflow to use the app. When authenticating the app, you will now have to fill in the following as a user:

- Client ID
- Client Secret
- Scopes


The former two will have to be found by the USER, as the point of this authentication type is to run as the user itself. This has to be documented well, either in the description of the app itself, or in the OpenAPI documentation folder on Github to make it easily available to users. An example for Microsoft app registration can be found here, which includes how to get a client ID and secret.


Actions are the meat of how apps actually work. The action part of the app creator provides the ability to control each individual endpoint very specifically.

Action List information:

  • Click an existing action to edit it
  • Click "Copy" on the right side to duplicate the action
  • Click "Delete" on the right side to delete the action
  • If there is an error mark in the action, it won't be built into the app.

Here's what it entails:

  • Name: The name you want the user to see. We recommend using a VERB at the start of it, e.g. "Get tickets"
  • Description: Further explain what the action is for.
  • Request - Dropdown: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, HEAD, CONNECT. Choose what kind of request to make.
  • URL path: The path to use with the base URL. - Must EITHER start with / (path) or be a full URL to have a custom endpoint. - Use {variable} to make a REQUIRED variable - TIP: If you have a CURL example, paste it in here and we'll try to autofill everything
  • New query button: Add a query to the request. The user can add more queries from the workflow. - Can be set to be required/not required
  • Headers: Add headers for the request. - Editable by users from the workflow view
  • Request body: the body to send - Only available in POST, PUT, PATCH - The data you put here is used as a placeholder for the user to edit - Add ${variable_name} to it to add a variable. This makes it so the user CAN'T see the whole body, JUST the variables
  • Example response: An example response from the endpoint. This is important to ensure usability of the action is easy. - Used by autocompletion methods in Shuffle. Also shown as example to the user

Apps view 13

File upload

You can add a file upload parameter to POST requests

Apps view 15


Building the app is as straight forward as clicking the "Save" button. This builds the Docker image, and makes the app available in the App and Workflow UI for your organization to use. We recommend building often to ensure you avoid losing any progress.

PS: The first time you build an app, it may take up to a few minutes. Do NOT update the app while it's building, as your progress will may be lost.


When building is done, you may want to test the app that you've built. This can currently be done by creating or editing a workflow, before finding the app in the left sidebar as you've always used apps.

PS: We are adding functionality for testing each app directly within the app creator

Editing an app

You may want to change an app later. This can be done by using the /apps UI to find the app, selecting the app, then clicking the "Edit" button. Apps view 7

Python - Building apps manually

Apps using Python can do pretty much anything you can do on a computer. As an example, most utility functions of Shuffle itself are written with as functions of Python in the app "Shuffle-Tools"

One of the first things you have to do is select an SDK. There are three images currently in Shuffle, Alpine, Kali, and Blackarch. Alpine is your standard slim docker image. Kali allows you access to Kali tooling, and Blackarch is arch, with a kitchen sink approach to tools.

In our example, we are going to develop an app that connects to an API for Office365, pulls some log data and returns it as a JSON data structure. We first think about the 3 primary elements:

  • What actions / functions will we create? We will have a function to poll the last 10 minutes of audit logs from the Office API. We will have a function to poll the last 23 hours of audit logs from the Office API -- testing only purposes.
  • What arguments are needed for the app to run? We need some arguments for authentication (based on Office365 authentication, we have planType, tenantID, clientID, clientSecret). Note that your app may also receive json_data structure arg as part of a prior app action -- you are not limited here.
  • What is the output data? * The app outputs a JSON data structure that contains one audit log entry per JSON object.

With our 3 elements in mind, you can build the script on your own. This example is Python3, but some additional work would allow any app type/language. For now, the expectation is that you would build this in Python3.

Build your Python functions with the expected arguments, and ensure they return the expected output. Once the code works in your environment, you can then integrate it into Shuffle's apps directory to integrate as an app.

Don't forget to document your app in the file in each version's directory (see below)!

Utility functions

The Python SDK has a couple of utility functions and data you can utilize. These are as follows:

# Basic data 
self.url			# The URL to interact with for file and cache control
self.base_url			# The URL to send results to. MAY point to a Worker.
self.action			# The current action being executed
self.authorization		# The authorization key for current execution
self.current_execution_id	# The current execution ID
self.full_execution		# All data for current execution
self.start_time			# The start time for this function

# Utility functions
self.get_file(file_id) 			# Get a file from the backend 			
self.set_files(file_id) 		# SETS multiple files, returns ids	
self.get_file_namespace(namespace) 	# Get ALL files for a namespace 		
self.get_cache(key)			# Get an item from key:value store 	(v0.8.97)
self.set_cache(key, value)		# SETS cache in the key:value store (v0.8.97)
self.delete_cache(key)			# DELETES a cache key (v1.2.0)

Example file API usage:

filedata = [{"filename": "test.txt", "data": "this is the data in the file"}]
fileret = self.set_files(filedata)

file_id = ""
if len(fileret) > 0:
	file_id = fileret[0]
	filedata = self.get_file(file_id)
	# > [{"filename": "test.txt", "data": "this is the data in the file"}]

Example cache API usage:

key = "cache_key"

cacheret = self.set_cache(key, value)
if cacheret["success"] == True:
	cache_get_ret = self.get_cache(key)
	# > {
	#		"key": "cache_key", 
	#	}

You can learn more about the caching system in general in this Youtube video:

Shuffle Caching System Video

Directory structure

With your Python script built, we must build a directory structure, some metadata files and modify a base file to run your code from Shuffle. In your shuffle server, there is a shuffle-apps directory, typically under the top level dir where you cloned the github repo.


This directory contains a list of folders, one per app in Shuffle. The minimal directory structure for a Shuffle app is as follows:

+-- shuffle-apps
  +-- app_name (virustotal)
    +-- version_number (1.0.0)
      |-- api.yml           # Has the full app configuration - must match
      |-- Dockerfile        # Contains Shuffle build instructions
      |--           # Your documentation of this app in markdown format
      |-- requirements.txt  # Extra packages to be used by the app
      +-- src 							
        +--          # The base python file for everything related to your application
        +--		# More complex apps can have an entire directory structure, imported and called by
  +-- another_app_1
  +-- another_app_2

There is a template app called python-playground that we will clone and edit. First make your app folder. Note: This folder name should not contain spaces.

cd /Shuffle/shuffle-apps
mkdir office365mgmt
cd office365mgmt
cp -R /Shuffle/shuffle-apps/python-playground/* .

The above will make your app folder and copy the template files from python-playground to your app. Upload your python code files to the /src/ directory of your app's folder.

Now that your app's .py script is uploaded under /Shuffle/python-apps/office365mgmt/src, you'll tell Shuffle how to use it.

We will modify 4 files:

  • api.yaml
  • requirements.txt -- Specify any modules that your app uses, which will be installed via pip
  • src/ -- The base app that is called by Shuffle, which in turn will call your python script's functions


api.yaml is what provides Shuffle information about your app. Here we define your app's name, description, author info, actions (functions available) and the parameters that each function takes.

This example shows the office365mgmt app settings, but feel free to explore other app's api.yaml to see other obscure options.

  • name: Office365 Mgt API -- This is your app's display name as seen in Shuffle GUI. You can put whitespace here, but _ may be better
  • description: Some description -- Your app's description that will display in the Shuffle GUI
  • contact_info: If you are maintaining this, please share your details with users
app_version: 1.0.0
name: Office365 Mgt API
description: Collect AzureActiveDirectory,Exchange,Sharepoint,General, DLP audit logs
  name: "@RobertEvans"


Not all apps need this step, but if yours requires a key, secret, or password, it is recommended to use a specialized "authentication" declaration in api.yaml, so those credentials are stored safely and not displayed in cleartext in your Shuffle workflow.

Here I define that my app requires authentication and a list of parameters, which is a list of arguments specified by -name. The name value can be anything you want, but note this is the name of the argument when passed to and ultimately to your app.

My app expects 4 arguments that should be stored as an authentication object. When this app is run, this credential object once configured in Shuffle will be sent to the app to use.

My first argument is a string called "planType". When the app is used in a workflow, this would be populated by workflow parameters and it would get sent to the app to use (e.g. "Enterprise").

  • name: case sensitive authentication argument name
  • description: The description should display common values for this argument
  • example: The example is a placeholder syntax in absence of a value in user interface.
  • required: specifies whether it is mandatory to run the app
  • schema: The type of variable can be specified, string is the only one tested but ideally any type could be used here. You can also do type casting in your app from string later.
  required: true
    - name: planType
      description: Enterprise, GCC , GCCHigh, DoD
      example: "Enterprise"
      required: true
        type: string
    - name: tenantID
      description: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
      example: "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx"
      required: true
        type: string
    - name: clientID
      description: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
      example: "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx"
      required: true
        type: string
    - name: clientSecret
      description: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
      example: "*****"
      required: true
        type: string


Actions define the functions of your app, the args it accepts and the options available (static list of values for a given arg).

  • name: the python function name
  • description: string description of the function
  • parameters: The args the function accepts, note this is in addition to the authentication args specified above.

Note that one value, json_data, seems to be sent even if I don't need it, so I account for it, although it is unused at this time. You could send a JSON object here. This app has 1 function (action) called run_o365poller. This app only pulls logs, so it is limited.

The app's single function takes 2 args (besides the 4 from the authentication included above for every function), which are a string json_data arg and string PollInterval. The PollInterval string arg has a dropdown selection in GUI, listed by options, of poll_10min or poll_23hours. This is one method to give clients a limited set of options for arg values. The json_data structure, although unused, can insert any value from a prior app or input.

  - name: run_o365poller
    description: Run Office365 audit poller for defined interval
      - name: json_data
        description: The JSON to handle
        required: false
        multiline: true
        example: 'No args for now, insert credentials and get returned data'
          type: string
      - name: PollInterval
        description: The selected Python function to run
        required: true
        multiline: true
        example: '1'
          - poll_10min
          - poll_23hours
          type: string
        type: string


The app's logo can be encoded here using a base64 encoded representation of the image, listed after large_image, see example below, but omitted for brevity:

large_image: 

Use this file to document your app. This includes any prerequisites for using it as well as what the actions are for and how specific data objects are handled. Until we have created a nice documentation template, here's an example you can use.


This is your standard python module list that will get installed on Docker container launch


Now that your api.yaml file is modified, there is a base script that is called from Shuffle when your app is run. This script will receive the configured arguments and options configured in your Shuffle workflow for the given app.

You must handle this appropriately and pass the arguments to the appropriate function. Note that we can handle this many ways. You can:

  • Build your entire app into, and expand with logic to run the right function requested
  • Put minimal code in to call your python script calls (imported into

When our Office365 app is called, Shuffle assumes that has an inherited class object containing a function matching the ones in our api.yaml file:

  1. Shuffle workflow starts
  2. Your configured app is called
  3.'s function is called. This then runs the selected function name and supplies the arguments.
  4. We then parse the arguments, and run the appropriate function calling our script.

This is where many things are possible, I'll post the code below, but will describe it in detail.

class PythonPlayground(AppBase):
    __version__ = "1.0.0"
    app_name = "Office365_Mgt_API"  # this needs to match "name" in api.yaml

    def __init__(self, redis, logger, console_logger=None):
        Each app should have this __init__ to set up Redis and logging.
        :param redis:
        :param logger:
        :param console_logger:
        super().__init__(redis, logger, console_logger)

    def run_me_1(self, planType,tenantID,clientID,clientSecret):
        #Poll last 10 min Office365
        #Parse json_data with key value data
        #planType = json_data['planType']
        #tenantID = json_data['tenantID']
        #clientID = json_data['clientID']
        #clientSecret = json_data['clientSecret']
        pollInterval = 10 #Assume minutes
        return office365poller.pollOffice(planType,tenantID,clientID,clientSecret,pollInterval)

    def run_me_2(self,planType,tenantID,clientID,clientSecret):
        #Poll last 23 horus or 1380 min Office365
        #Parse json_data with key value data
        #planType = json_data['planType']
        #tenantID = json_data['tenantID']
        #clientID = json_data['clientID']
        #clientSecret = json_data['clientSecret']
        pollInterval = 1380 #Assume minutes
        return office365poller.pollOffice(planType,tenantID,clientID,clientSecret,pollInterval)

    def run_me_3(self, json_data):
        return "Ran function 3"

    # Write your data inside this function
    def run_o365poller(self, planType,tenantID,clientID,clientSecret, PollInterval,json_data):
        # It comes in as a string, so needs to be set to JSON
            #json_data = json.loads(json_data)
            #We are not using json_data structure at this time, getting creds directly
        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e:
            return "Couldn't decode json: %s" % e

        # These are functions
        switcher = {
            "poll_10min" : self.run_me_1,
            "poll_23hours" : self.run_me_2,

        func = switcher.get(PollInterval, lambda: "Invalid function")
        return func(planType,tenantID,clientID,clientSecret)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Our app's api.yaml specifies we have a function called "run_o365poller" that accepts our 4 authentication args + 2 additional args (unused json_data and PollInterval), all string values.

In order for the app to run, must have a function the same name as each function in api.yaml. We only have one above. Note that I intentionally left some commented json handling in place to show other ways to get args, you could send a json structure into the function for parsing, but should only be done for non-privileged info. The authentication data comes in as separate args.

Lastly, ensure your script returns the data you require, after mine is processed, I return a singular JSON array, with one JSON object per log entry. Another app will be written to parse this and take some action on this data, or it could simply be expanded on this app.

I have the function below, as specified in my api.yaml, that accepts the args I expect. From this script, I run my poll script, with different args based on the value of arg PollInterval.

   # Write your data inside this function
    def run_o365poller(self, planType,tenantID,clientID,clientSecret, PollInterval,json_data):

Hotloading your app

Once your app has been tested, you've created the necessary metadata files and directory structure under your shuffle-apps folder, there is no need to restart your containers!

Shuffle has an app hot reloading feature in the GUI. Go to Apps on the top left hand tool bar of the GUI, and then look for a Double Arrow refresh. Give the system 20 or so seconds, and you'll see a pop up saying it was successful.

Once complete, any workflows you have that use the existing app, you'll have to delete old versions of the app and re-add them in the workflow.

Publishing your app

Just made an app and want others to get access to it? Here's how to get it in the hands of everyone:

OpenAPI: Before releasing an app, it needs to be uploaded and available in Shuffle. OpenAPI apps are by design easy to build and share - both inside and outside the Shuffle ecosystem.

1. Go to /apps in your instance (cloud/onprem)
2. Find the app you've just made!  
3. Click publish.

App Creator

Python: After making an app in Python, here's the steps to get it to everyone 1. Fork the Shuffle-apps repo: 2. Download your forked repo 3. Copy your new app to the folder 4. Make a pull request to the original repo!

Both of these methods makes your app highlighted on to be used by hundreds if not thousands of organizations.

Debugging Apps

As Shuffle has a lot of individual parts, debugging can be quite tricky. To get started, here's a list of the different parts, with the latter three being modular / location-independent.

TypeContainer nameTechnologyNote
Frontendshuffle-frontendReactJSCytoscape graphs & Material design
Backendshuffle-backendGolangRest API that connects all the different parts
Databaseshuffle-databaseGoogle DatastoreHas all non-volatile information. Will probably move to elastic or similar.
Orborusshuffle-orborusGolangRuns workers in a specific environment to connect locations. Defaults to the environment "Shuffle" onprem.
Workerworker-idGolang Deploys Apps to run Actions defined in a workflow
app sdkappname_appversion_idPythonUsed by Apps to talk to the backend


Execution debugging

Execution debugging might be the most notable issue you might explain. This is because there are a ton of reasons that it might crash. Before going into techniques to find what's going on, you'll need to understand what exactly happens when you click the big execution button.

Frontend click -> Backend verifies and deploys executions -> (based on environments) orborus deploys a new worker -> worker finds actions to execute -> your app is executed.

  1. A workflow is executed
  2. The backend verifies whether you can execute and deploys to environment
  3. Orborus is listening to environment and deploys worker if it's the correct one
  4. Worker deploys actions if they have the right environment
  5. App executes and returns data back to the execution

As previously stated, a lot can go wrong. Here's the most common issues:

  • Networking (firewalls / proxies)
  • Badly formed apps.
  • Bad environment

Troubleshooting errors when uploading yaml or json files in Shuffle

Steps to follow:

  1. Use an OpenAPI validator to make sure the data is correct. Example:
  2. If you see errors, go to the line that is displayed and try to modify that line and upload again.
  3. Continue doing so and making corrections until the upload is successful without any errors.

General debugging

This part is mean to describe how to go about finding the issue you're having with executions. In most cases, you should start from the top of the list previously described in the following way:

  1. Find out what environment your action(s) are running under by clicking the App and seeing "Environment" dropdown. In this case (and default) is "Shuffle". Environments can be specified / changed under the path /admin Check execution 3

  2. Check if the workflow executed at all by finding the execution line in the shuffle-backend container. Take note that it mentions environment "Shuffle", as found in the previous step.

docker logs -f shuffle-backend

Check execution 1

  1. If it executed, check whether Orborus is running, before checking it's logs for "Container \<container_id> is created. The container_id is the worker it has deployed. Take not of the environment again at the end of the line. If you don't see this line, it's most likely because it's running in the wrong environment.

Check if shuffle-orborus is running

docker ps # Check if shuffle-orborus is running

Find whether it was deployed or not

docker logs -f shuffle-orborus  # Get logs from shuffle-orborus

Check execution 2

Check environment of running shuffle-orborus container.

docker inspect shuffle-orborus | grep -i "ENV"

Expected env result where "Shuffle" corresponds to the environment Check execution 4

  1. Check whether the worker executed your app. Remember that we found \<container_id> previously by checking the logs of shuffle-orborus? Now we need that one. Workers are and will always be verbose, specifically for the reason of potential debugging.

Find logs from a docker container

docker logs -f CONTAINER_ID

Check execution 5

As can be seen in the image above, is shows the exact execution order it takes. It starts by finding the parents, before executing the child process after it's finished. Take note of the specific apps being executed as well. It says "Time to execute \<app_id> with app \<app_name:app_version>. This indicates the app THAT WILL be executed. The following lines saying "Container \<container_id> is the container created with this app.

  1. App debugging in itself might be the trickiest. There are a lot of factors like branches, bad workflow building etc that might come into play. This builds on the same concept as the worker, where you pass the container ID it specified.

Get the app logs

docker logs -f CONTAINER_ID # The CONTAINER_ID found in the previous worker logs

As you will notice, app logs can be quite verbose (optional in a later build). In essence, if you see "RUNNING NORMAL EXECUTION" in the end, there's a 99.9% chance that it worked, otherwise some issue might have occurred.

Please notify me if you need help debugging app executions ASAP, as I've done a lot of it, but it's more tricky than the other steps.


Q:  What is multiline? how is that represented when filling out the values?
A: Multiline means the field will be larger and easier to use in the UI. E.g. you can use newlines.
Q:  Are there different schema types other than string? 
A: The only schema type is currently string, but we'll migrate to at least have number, list, bool and object later. You can put whatever there - it's not used.
Q:  How do the options function? does defining it automatically prevent user input? or can there be both? 
A: The first option is always chosen (at least that's the point). Make an empty entry if it should be blank by default
Q:  Would it be possible to alter the yaml format to be able to group actions into sections? this could also provide a way to section stuff in the UI presentation so it's not one giant list of actions
A: Yep, categorization will come. Not possible right now, but if you add a field like "category" to each action, we could incorporate that right away in the backend
Q:  What are the possible return schema types? 
A: Return schema: You can return it pretty much however you want and we'll make it into a string. Follows same as #2: We'll start using specific casting later
Q:  What's the difference in using the UI app + action creation process vs manually creating the files? 
A: UI App creator can only make Rest API's with specific actions. It generates the python code and api.yaml in the backend / docker image
Q:  In app creation UI, what's a query? 
A: Query = parameter = whatever is at the end of urls after ?:
Q:  In app creation UI, what are the extra configuration items used for? examples? also, middle input box has example text cut off partway through.
A: Extra config was added recently (last 2 weeks) and was added to make it possible to e.g. add headers to all actions at once, as well as extra "required" parameters. It's not finished - this is just the start stage. If you add a name in there, it will be required to fill out as authentication mechanism from the user
Q:  In app creation UI, in the "New action" popup, what are queries? 
A: Fixed the links for new releases! The documentation is generally not very good for the app creator yet (lots todo here:
Q:  How does Shuffle handle refresh tokens?
A: We don't yet (June 2021). The best way around this is to refresh every time.