
2 minutes to read

Documentation for troubleshooting and debugging known issues in Shuffle.

Table of contents

Debugging Executions

Please check the Debugging section in the Configuration documentation

Resetting MFA

MFA can be enabled for your account on the settings User page of an organization, or on your settings page. If you have lost access to your account due to this however, follow these steps:

Cloud ( Send an email to using the email you want MFA removed for. Onprem: It's a bit more tricky onprem, as we'll need to modify the Opensearch database. Here is how:

  1. Follow the backend logs WHILE logging into Shuffle to find your users' ID. It's a UUID in the format 550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000.
docker logs shuffle-backend 
  1. After you've identified the user id you want to remove MFA for, docker exec to get bash session into OpenSearch container or any other container so long as the said container can communicate to the Opensearch container
docker exec -it shuffle-opensearch bash 
  1. Once in the container from step 2 above, run the following command after modifying the USERID field.
curl -k -u admin:admin -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'https://localhost:9200/users/_update/USERID' -d '{"doc": {"": false, "mfa_info.active_code": "", "mfa_info.previous_code": ""}}'
  1. Restart the backend server: docker restart shuffle-backend. This is to fix potential caching problems.

Orborus backend connection problems

Due to the nature of Shuffle at scale, there are bound to be network issues. As Shuffle runs in Docker, and sometimes in swarm with k8s networking, it complicates the matter even further. Here's a list of things to help with debugging networking. If all else fails; reboot the machine & docker.

  1. Is the Orborus container speaking to an IP in the same network? Check with docker inspect shuffle-oroburs -> is the same CIDR / network address to be seen in the list of Network IPs?
  2. Do all the required networks exist?
    1. WITHOUT swarm: minimum 1 bridge network.
    2. WITH swarm: 3 networks (ingress, shuffle_shuffle, shuffle_swarm_executions). All in overlay mode.
  3. Are all the networks configured properly? If in swarm mode; delete the networks, then restart Orborus (it will remake them).
  4. Are the right network modes in use? Bridge (normal) vs Overlay (swarm). This depends on the server structure (1 vs. many).
  5. Is net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 set in the /etc/sysctl.conf file? If not, add it to the file, then exit it and type sysctl -p. This allows network cards to talk to each other on the same machine.
  6. Is DNS available inside the container? You can configure DNS in ALL docker containers on a server by editing this file: /etc/docker/daemon.json. To add DNS entries, add them as such:
    "dns": ["", ""]

"Fixes" (in order):

  • Remake all networks (docker network rm)
  • Restart Docker (systemctl stop -> start)
  • Reboot (the whole server)

Orborus can not reach backend

In certain cases there may be DNS issues, leading to hanging executions. This is in most cases due to apps not being able to find the backend in some way. That's why the best solution if possible is to use the IP as hostname for Orborus -> Backend communication.

Load all apps locally

In certain cases, you may have an issue loading apps into Shuffle. If this is the case, it most likely means you have proxy issues, and can't reach, where our apps are hosted.

Here's how to manually load them into Shuffle using git.

#1. If a proxy is required for your environment: Set up the proxy for Git (install if you don't have it).
git config --global http.proxy http://proxy.mycompany:80

#2. Go to the shuffle folder where you have Shuffle installed, then go to the shuffle-apps folder (./shuffle/shuffle-apps)
git clone

#3. Go to the UI and hotload the apps: (click the hotload button in the top left in the /apps UI)

Alternatively: You can go download the latest Shuffle apps in your browser, and manually extract the .zip file into the ./shuffle/shuffle-apps folder.

How to stop executions in loop

  1. Run docker ps
    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                     COMMAND                  CREATED       STATUS      PORTS                                                  NAMES
    869c99231ed0   opensearchproject/opensearch:latest       "./opensearch-docker…"   5 weeks ago   Up 2 days   9300/tcp, 9600/tcp,>9200/tcp, 9650/tcp   shuffle-opensearch
  2. Run docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' container_name_or_id
    docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' 869c99231ed0
    docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' shuffle-opensearch
  3. Run curl -XDELETE http://<container_ip>:9200/workflowqueue-shuffle
    curl -XDELETE

Abort all running executions of a specific workflow

Follow Python scripts allows to massively stop all running executions of a workflow

import sys
import requests

API_ENDPOINT = "http(s)://<shuffle_endpoint>/api/v1"
API_KEY = "<your_api_key>"
WORKFLOW_NAME = "<workflow_name>"

def main():
    headers = {
        "Authorization": "Bearer " + API_KEY

    with requests.get(API_ENDPOINT + "/workflows", headers=headers) as response:
        data = response.json()

    wflows = list(filter(lambda wf: wf.get("name") == WORKFLOW_NAME, data))
    if len(wflows) == 0:
        print("Workflow not found")
        return 2
    if len(wflows) != 1:
        print("Something goes wrong")
        return 1

    wflow = wflows[0]

    # Get executions
    # example: http(s)://<shuffle_endpoint>/api/v1/workflows/b519c8f7-e9b0-4b47-b93d-cac013e4522f/executions
    wflow_id = wflow.get("id")
    url = "{}/workflows/{}/executions".format(API_ENDPOINT, wflow_id)
    with requests.get(url, headers=headers) as response:
        data = response.json()

    still_running = list(filter(lambda ex: ex.get("status") == "EXECUTING", data))

    for exec in still_running:
        exec_id = exec.get("execution_id")
        print("[INFO] We're going to abort execution with ID {}".format(exec_id))

        url = "{}/workflows/{}/executions/{}/abort".format(API_ENDPOINT, wflow_id, exec_id)

        with requests.get(url, headers=headers) as response:
            data = response.json()

        if data.get("success"):
            print("[INFO] Execution successfully aborted")
            print("[ERROR] Unable to abort execution")

    return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":

Copy the script into a file called and run it with

**Use python or python3 depending of your environment**

In order to work requests Python library must be installed in your Python execution env.

Opensearch permissions error

image image Set the ownership of the shuffle-database folder that the shuffle-opensearch container expects.

sudo chown 1000:1000 -R shuffle-database

Delete user

We recommend you to know what you're doing when you delete a user! It can have unpredictable consequences

  1. Find the ID of the user (Replace the username of your user in the query with the placeholder!)

    curl -X GET "https://localhost:9200/users/_search?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d' { "query": { "match": {"username": "<USERNAME>"} } } --insecure -u <opensearch_user>:<opensearch_password>
  2. Find and take the "_id" value of your user from the returned!

    "_id" : "<user_id>",
  3. Delete the user

    curl -X DELETE "https://localhost:9200/users/_doc/<user_id>?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --insecure -u <opensearch_user>:<opensearch_password>

Recover admin user

If you find yourself in a situation where you have forgotten your passowrd and need a reset for your user, you can reset your lost password in your local instance by doing the following: 1. docker exec to get bash session into OpenSearch container docker exec -it <container_id> bash

  1. Dump the results of users index query into users.log file
    curl -X GET "https://localhost:9200/users/_search?pretty" --insecure  -u <opensearch_user>:<opensearch_password> -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
        "query": {
            "match_all": {}
    ' > users.log
  2. open the users.log file with less and search for the admin user. Once found, scroll down to the apikey section. this value will be the api key of the admin user.

  3. I jumped onto another server within the same vlan as my Shuffle server but these could be ran on local host too. We will create a new user and update the user's role to admin with the Shuffle API.

  4. (Optional step): If you have multiple organizations, Change active org like this and repeat for each org:

    curl 'https://ip of shuffle server/api/v1/orgs/{org_id}/change' \ -H ' "Authorization: Bearer {API_KEY}' --data-raw '{"org_id":"{org_id}"}'
  5. Create a new user

    curl https://ip of shuffle server/api/v1/users/register -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" -d '{"username": "username", "password": "P@ssw0rd"}'
  6. Retrieve all the users and identify the user_id of the newly created user
    curl https://ip of shuffle server/api/v1/users/getusers -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY"
  7. Assign the new user to the admin role.
    curl https://ip of shuffle server*/api/v1/users/updateuser -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" -d '{"user_id": "USERID", "role": "admin"}' -X PUT
  8. Log into webui with the new user, and you should now have admin rights.

Useful OpenSearch Queries

Find a user and their Orgs

curl -X GET "https://localhost:9200/users/_search?pretty"  -u <opensearch_user>:<opensearch_password> --insecure -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d' { "query": { "match": {"username": "myuser"} } }

Find all org

curl -X GET "https://localhost:9200/organizations/_search?pretty"  -u <opensearch_user>:<opensearch_password> --insecure -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d' { "size": 10000, "query": { "match_all": {}}}'

Find all org IDs

curl -X GET "https://localhost:9200/organizations/_search?pretty"  -u <opensearch_user>:<opensearch_password> --insecure -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d' { "size": 10000, "query": { "match_all": {}}}' | grep "\"id\" : \"" | sed 's/ *$//g' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' | uniq -u

Extract all workflows

This procedure can help you extract workflows directly from OpenSearch even if the Backend and FrontEnd are in an awkward situation.

  1. Extract the index info from OpenSearch. NOTE: You may need to create a bind mount for the location where the workflows will be extracted to.

    curl -X GET "https://localhost:9200/workflow/_search?pretty"  -u admin:StrongShufflePassword321! -k -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d' { "size": 10000, "query": { "match_all": {}}}' > workflows.json
  2. Script to separate all workflows

    import json
    import os
    data = {}
    with open("workflows.json", "r") as tmp:
        data = json.loads(
    foldername = "./workflows_loaded"
    ## Will break  with keyerror lol
    for item in data["hits"]["hits"]:
            item = item["_source"]
        filename = f"""{foldername}/{item["name"]}.json"""
        print(f"Writing {filename}")
        with open(filename, "w+") as tmp:

    This script need to be run on the folder with the file workflows.json, it will create a workflows_loaded directory with all the workflows in it. This can also be very useful to either backup a copy your work or export it from a lab to a prod instance.

Rebuilding an OpenSearch index

If you lost an index due to corruption or other causes, there is no easy way to handle it. Here's a workaround we have for certain scenarios. What you'll need: access to another Shuffle instance, OR someone willing to share. Lets do an example rebuilding the environments index. This assumes opensearch is on the same server.

  1. Cleanup the index
    curl -XDELETE http://localhost:9200/environments
  2. Start refilling the index with info. For environments, make sure the "org_id" is correct according to the ID you can find in the /admin UI or the org index.
    curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" "https://localhost:9200/environments/_doc"  -u <opensearch_user>:<opensearch_password> --insecure -d '{"Name" : "Shuffle","Type" : "onprem","Registered" : false,"default" : true,"archived" : false,"id" : "26ae5c79-a6f3-4225-be18-39fa6018cdba","org_id" : "49eeb866-c8b4-4ea0-bc19-9e650e3bba9e"}'
  3. Check the index

    curl https://localhost:9200/environments/_search?pretty  -u <opensearch_user>:<opensearch_password> --insecure

OpenSearch consumes too much memory

After narrowing down your problem to opensearch is what is consuming your system resources you need to figure out why? Might be too many indices in OpenSearch or just a java heap size problem

  1. You'll need to list out all indices in elasticsearch opensearch.
    docker exec -u0 -it "opensearch_ID" curl https://localhost:9200/_cat/indices?pretty -k -u admin:StrongShufflePassword321!    ```
  2. You could grep to narrow down on your search.
docker exec -u0 -it "opensearch_ID" curl https://localhost:9200/_cat/indices?pretty -k -u admin:StrongShufflePassword321! | grep -v security
  1. Once you see what's causing the problem in our case it was workflowexecution which was at 13 gb. We deleted it using the below command.
docker exec -u0 -it "opensearch_ID" curl -X DELETE "https://localhost:9200/workflowexecution?pretty" -k -u admin:StrongShufflePassword321! -v

Workflows are stuck

If you're on the default setup for shuffle and you start to notice that your workflows are getting stuck, It might be because you're running out of CPU needed to run the workflows.

To fix this, You will have to move towards setting up shuffle for production readiness in our configuration documentation.


If you are doing this in a production server you will have to comb through the indices and delete them manually with respect to you organisations priorities, old executions and such.

  1. You should notice a reduction in memory consumption check this by running top. Do a docker-compose down then a docker-compose up -d for good measure and you are good to go.

  2. If the above steps do not fix the issue then this might mean its a java heap size issue, go into your docker-compose.yml file, move down till you locate the opensearch configurations and navigate to the OPENSEARCH_JAVA_OPTS settings and change them if initially they were running at 4 gb half that to 2 gb and save the file.

 - "OPENSEARCH_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms2048m -Xmx2048m" # minimum and maximum Java heap size, recommend setting both to 50% of system RAM
  1. Do a docker-compose down then a docker-compose up -d. You should notice a difference in the memory consumption by Opensearch

Updates failing

  1. After an update, click CTRL+SHIFT+R on your keyboard while in your browser. This runs a hard refresh without cache.
  2. Make sure you have the right version of Shuffle. Even if "nightly" is chosen, download them again with docker-compose pull or docker pull
  3. Ensure environment variables are defined properly for the misbehaving service.

Database not starting

In certain cases, you may experience OpenSearch continuously restarting. PS: All of these can be spotted in the logs. There are a few reasons for this which should be checked in the following order:

  1. Have you set vm.max_map_count=262144 setting?
  2. Did you change the folder ownership (1000:1000 by default)?
  3. Is the folder ownership a proper user (1000:1000) working?
  4. Is there enough RAM on the device?
  5. Is there enough storage space on the device?
  6. Do you have security enabled (https & username & password), but not configured it in the .env file?

TLS timeout error/Timeout Errors/EOF Errors

In certain cases, especially when you're running in swarm mode (Make sure ports: 2377, 7946 and 4789 between your machines internally), you may experience timeouts, EOFs. Or maybe, in different cases a TLS timeout error, or a similar network request issue. This is most likely due to the network configuration of your Shuffle instances not matching the server it's running on.

The main configuration is "MTUs", AKA Maximum Transmission Unit. This has to match exactly - with the both the docker network driver bridge and shuffle_swarm_executions.

Find the MTU of your preferred network interface:

ip addr | grep mtu
Screenshot 2023-06-23 at 7 17 56 AM

It is usually the network interface in the second line. Get it's MTU!

To set the MTU in Docker, do it in the docker-compose, in the networking section. Say the MTU you found was 1460, then use 1460, as can be seen below.

    driver: bridge

    # uncomment to set MTU for swarm mode.
    # MTU should be whatever is your host's preferred MTU is.
    # Refer to this doc to figure out what your host's MTU is:
     driver_opts: # removed comment from here 1460 # removed comment from here.

Next, if you're running on swarm mode, delete the existing shuffle_swarm_executions network if it already exists. You can do that by using:

sudo docker network rm shuffle_swarm_executions

This might be an essential step to enforce what we did in the last step. Shuffle things a lot of things under the hood and syncing up the right interfaces is one of them so that you don't have to worry about it.

If it requires removing dependant services, proceed to do that.

When done, restart the docker-compose. Now the issue should be automatically taken care of. If not, and you're on swarm mode, Proceed to the next step of manually setting the network MTU:

We need to make a network named the same as the environment SHUFFLE_SWARM_NETWORK_NAME for Orborus (default: shuffle_swarm_executions):

docker network create --driver=overlay --ingress=false --attachable=true -o ""="1460" shuffle_swarm_executions

If the issue still persists, Please look into changing the environment variable SHUFFLE_SWARM_BRIDGE_DEFAULT_INTERFACE. Shuffle takes care of syncing the docker0 bridge interface to the preferred interface of the container. Changing this value might help docker sync up things better. We assume that the interface name is "eth0" by default, which is the default setting.

If none of this works, Often times it's simply because of the virtualisation used by your cloud provider. For example, We have found these issues to be persistent with providers using VMware underneath, Refer to this for a fix

Shuffle on ARM

ARM is supported on Shuffle since 1.3.0!

Permission denied on files

In certain scenarios, permissions inside and outside a container may be different. This has a lot of causes, and we'll try to help figure them out below. Thankfully most fixes are relatively simple. To test this try to go to /admin?tab=files in Shuffle, and upload a file. If the file is uploaded and it says status "active", all is good. If it's not being uploaded, then it's most likely a permission issue.

23 03 2022_22 51 18_REC

Fix 1: share permissions.

In the docker-compose.yml file, find the "shuffle-files" volume mounted for the backend service. Simply add a ":z" on the end of it like so:

	- ${SHUFFLE_FILE_LOCATION}:/shuffle-files:z

Then restart the docker-compose (down & up -d), and try to upload a file again.

Fix 2: Selinux problems

Disable Selinux to test. This should take immediate effect (run as root).

setenforce 0

After, try to upload a file again

See permissions on the inside of the container

To find the folder permissions inside the container

docker exec -u 0 shuffle-backend ls -la /

Docker Permission denied

In certain scenarios or environments, you may find the docker socket to not have the right permissions. To work around this, we've built support for the docker socket proxy, which will give the containers the same permissions. Another good reason to use the docker socket proxy is to control the docker permissions required.

To use the docker socket proxy, add the following to your docker-compose.yml as a service:

    image: tecnativa/docker-socket-proxy
    privileged: true
      - SERVICES=1
      - TASKS=1
      - NETWORKS=1
      - NODES=1
      - BUILD=1
      - IMAGES=1
      - GRPC=1
      - CONTAINERS=1
      - PLUGINS=1
      - SYSTEM=1
      - VOLUMES=1
      - INFO=1
      - POST=1
      - AUTH=1
      - SECRETS=1
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      - shuffle

When done, remove the "/var/run/docker.sock" volume from the backend and orborus services in the docker-compose. These containers should route their docker traffic through this proxy. To enable the docker rerouting, add this environment variable to both of them:

      - DOCKER_HOST=tcp://docker-socket-proxy:2375

This will route all docker traffic through the docker-socket-proxy giving you granular access to each API.

PS: Adding :z to the end of the volume may fix this issue as well.

Server is slow

If the server Shuffle is running on is slow, it's likely due to the same constraints of any other server. One of these are typically the culprit:

  • Disk space
  • CPU
  • RAM

The normal reason this happens is due to too many processes running concurrently in Docker (too many containers). To look at ideal configurations, look at production readiness in our configuration documentation.

First we check CPU. This is can be done using the "top" command.


The typical near the top is something like this. If the CPU usage is too high (see line three '%Cpu(s): 11.0 us'" - this means 11% is used total), you've most likely not configured Shuffle to run with the appropriate amount of containers as a maximum, with bad cleanup routines (CLEANUP=true).

top - 20:14:37 up 27 days, 24 min,  2 users,  load average: 17.88, 15.17, 13.21
Tasks: 244 total,   2 running, 241 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 zombie
%Cpu(s): 11.0 us, 10.7 sy,  0.0 ni,  2.0 id, 74.8 wa,  0.0 hi,  1.5 si,  0.0 st
KiB Mem :  8008956 total,   142236 free,  7561784 used,   304936 buff/cache
KiB Swap:  8257532 total,  4550684 free,  3706848 used.    69760 avail Mem 

Fix: Stop docker containers and reduce the amount that are allowed to run. If everything is TOO slow, reboot the server and stop all containers when it's started back up:

docker stop $(docker ps -aq) --force

Next up is RAM. This is can also be done using the "top" command.


As with CPU, the information is near the top of your screen and looks something like this. If the RAM usage is too high (see line four 'KiB Mem : 8008956 total, 142236 free'" - this means that almost no memory is left on the device). This is a typical problem if you've enabled app log forwarding into Shuffle. To disable log forwarding, add the environment "SHUFFLE_LOGS_DISABLED=true" to Orborus, then bring it down and back up again.

top - 20:14:37 up 27 days, 24 min,  2 users,  load average: 17.88, 15.17, 13.21
Tasks: 244 total,   2 running, 241 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 zombie
%Cpu(s): 11.0 us, 10.7 sy,  0.0 ni,  2.0 id, 74.8 wa,  0.0 hi,  1.5 si,  0.0 st
KiB Mem :  8008956 total,   142236 free,  7561784 used,   304936 buff/cache
KiB Swap:  8257532 total,  4550684 free,  3706848 used.    69760 avail Mem 

Fix: Stop docker containers and reduce the amount that are allowed to run. If everything is TOO slow, reboot the server and stop all containers when it's started back up:

docker stop $(docker ps -aq) --force

Next up is disk space - can Shuffle save anything? See whether there is space on the machine in the location Shuffle is running

df -h

To get more space, either delete some files, clean up the Opensearch instance or add more disk space.

How to handle wrong or bad images on old versions of docker.

WhatsApp Image 2022-04-06 at 11 06 20 AM

Download the correct app version from shuffle cloud

Once downloaded upload it on your onprem shuffle instance by dragging and dropping it on the activated app list

upload app

Once done check the server for misp images present

list images

You should see previous existing images and the newly added apps image

The last step is to refer the target image to the source image that you uploaded

You do this by using the docker tag command see more information here ( docker tag frikky/shuffle:misp_1.0.0 davvyshuffle/shuffle:MISP-e72b9e9c5b0a40753e184c8ce0ba6c2b i.e docker tag source_image:{TAG} target_image:{TAG}.

docker tag

Go back to your shuffle interface and your app should run success.

If you intend on uploading the app in a remote server you could push the app image onto docker hub using the docker push command more info here(

Sign up on docker here ( then push the intended image into your docker hub repository, from your server's cli. You might be prompted to enter your password, do so and your image will be uploaded successfully.

docker push

docker hub image

From your remote server cli pull the image from your docker hub repository. for more info about docker image pull see here (

docker pull

Once this is done you have to tag the existing images of this app to the working app you just downloaded from your docker hub repo.

docker tag

Docker not working

In certain cases, Docker may not be working due to too large an amount of containers running, and Docker not being able to keep up. The cause of this is typically Orborus starting too many workflows in unison. To fix this, either reduce the amount of containers able to run, or set up swarm mode (paid).

This can be controlled by the environment variables:

- CLEANUP=true

Then manually clean up the containers:

service docker stop
rm -rf /var/lib/docker/containers/*
rm -rf /var/lib/docker/vfs/dir/*
service docker start

PS: You may need to use "systemctl stop docker" instead of using "service".

Now restart the Shuffle stack again, and all the containers should be gone

Troubleshooting for executions not running in swarm mode

  • You'll need to check whether swarm is configured properly and running. Do this by orborus logs using the following command.
docker logs -f shuffle-orborus
  • You should get results similar to the image below, if not check here


  • Once you've assertained that swarm mode is running as it should, go ahead and list services running in swarm using the below command.
docker service ls
  • You should get results similar to the image below, the REPLICAS column should be AT LEAST 1 replica created for each running service. i.e A 0/1 means that the app isn't available to handle the executions that you need it to, so you'll have to reinstall the app, see here for more information on how to do this.


  • Once you've ensured that all services have replicas created and are running, move on to the next step.

  • Check logs for the worker. First, run the below command to get a list of tasks that are running

docker ps


  • Get the name of the worker and run the following command. If not, this means you will have to go on local of each node to get logs of workers running on it or using a docker management tool.
docker logs <name_of_worker>
  • All you have to do now is comb the logs and identify where the problem is, if you can't figure out where the problem is reach out to our community on discord.

Find code OpenAPI app

You may have had problems with an app and need some help getting it fixed. Apps created in the app creator of Shuffle also do generate underlying Python code utilizing the same capabilities as if you make a Python function from scratch. Here's how to find the code for a function.

  1. Decide on an app to find. In our example, let's use "DefectDojo". Start by finding the Docker image:
docker images | grep -i defectdojo
  1. From the list above, you should see an image called "Defectdojo". The next step is to run it and extract the code. Copy the name of it, then type this:
docker run <imagename> cat >
  1. You should now have a file called "" locally. Now lets say the function you're having trouble with is called "importscan create". In the file we just created, go into it, and search for that exact name. All spaces ( ) and dashes (-) have been turned into underscores (_), and all text is LOWERCASE. The line should start with something akin to:
def post_importscan_create(self,...)

Copy everything indented under this function and sent to for further help!

Tenants/Suborgs seem to be lost

If you loose your tenants/suborgs for any reason at all and you need to reinstate them then you will need to do the following;

  1. Get the org id's from your backend logs. It's a UUID in the format 550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000.
docker logs shuffle-backend 
  1. After you've identified the org id's for the orgs you want to reinstate, docker exec to get bash session into OpenSearch container or any other container so long as the said container can communicate to the Opensearch container
docker exec -it shuffle-opensearch bash 
  1. Once in the container from step 2 above, run the following command.
curl -k -u admin:StrongShufflePassword321! -H 'Content-Type: application/json' 'https://shuffle-opensearch:9200/organizations/_update/<org_id goes here>/' -d '{"doc": {"id": "org-id-goes-here", "name": "org-name-goes-here"}}'
  1. Exit out of the container

  2. Restart docker

$docker-compose down
$docker-compose up -d

Go back to your shuffle instance and you should see the org in question reinstated in the tenants tab.

Find top index items opensearch (NOT FULLY DISCOVERED YET)

As the Opensearch index may fill up over time, it is important to be able to debug the the available indexes. One particular issue we have had has been that it takes >60 seconds to load apps onprem at times. Here is how to resolve them.

Get into the Opensearch container of port 9200 is not exposed by default:

docker exec -u0 -it shuffle-opensearch bash

Get the indexes and look at them:

curl https://localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v -u admin:StrongShufflePassword321! -k

Find the largest items in the workflowapp index (for apps in shuffle):

curl https://localhost:9200/workflowapp/_search?v -u admin:StrongShufflePassword321! -k

Delete an index if it's too large (normal ones to delete if problems: workflowexecution, workflowqueue-shuffle, environment_stats)

curl -XDELETE https://localhost:9200/workflowqueue-shuffle -u admin:StrongShufflePassword321! -k

Add user to lost org

If you have lost access to Shuffle, it usually due to an unforeseen disconnect to the Database during startup, leading to more Organizations being added. To fix this, your user needs to be re-added to the original Organization

Find the Organization and User Id of your account. They are in the UUID format 550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000

docker logs -f shuffle-backend

Get into the Opensearch container of port 9200 is not exposed by default:

docker exec -u0 -it shuffle-opensearch bash

Update the USERID and ORGID, ORGNAME fields, then run this command to re-add your account to the right org

curl -k -u admin:StrongShufflePassword321! https://localhost:9200/users/_update/USERID -d '{"doc": {"": "ORGID", "": "ORGNAME", "orgs": ["ORGID"]}}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

No module named 'xyz' in 'execute python' (Shuffle Tools)

If you want to install a custom module like pandas (although, 'execute python' isn't made for heavy processing. We recommend making a custom python app for it).

There are two primary ways to it: 1. Learn about dynamic library loading in your code (not recommended) 2. Build the Shuffle Tools app again locally and add the libraries you want to it! Library configuration is over in this requirements.txt file

To build this app again, I would:

  • Add in the requirement in requirements.txt linked above.
  • Rebuild the app again by doing:
sudo docker build -t shuffle-tools:1.2.0 .