
2 minutes to read

Documentation for the Admin view of Shuffle. Best used by administrators.

Table of contents


Organizations are Shuffle's way of organizing data, and can be thought of as tenants. Data from Apps, Workflows, Notifications, Files etc. are all related to an organization from which users gain access based on their access rights. This document is made to explain what the different options for organizations are.

Organization overview

The organization overview gives access to these things:

  • Name Change
  • Description Change
  • Image change
  • Cloud synchronization
  • Hybrid Feature overview
  • Single Signon options
  • Notification Workflows
  • Priorities & Notifications
  • Licensing (Beta until v1.4.0)
  • Statistics (Beta until v1.4.0)
  • Branding (Beta until v1.4.0)

This view outlines the basic details of your organizations, which any Admin can change at any time. It can tell you about new updates, features and more that we have in store. The view is slightly different from the cloud version to the on-premises version. Here's how:

  • The cloud version shows you an API-key. This can be used in the open source version.
  • The open source version gives you an API-key field. This can be used in the cloud version. Organization view

Cloud Synchronization

Cloud synchronization is a FREE feature used to get more capabilities on-premises, that otherwise wouldn't be possible. These range from scalability to collaboration, support, public workflow generation, accessibility and more. The goal is to give access to features that otherwise are impossible to build in a location solution. See Hybrid Features for more info.

Cloud sync features


Setting up cloud synchronization requires two things: 1. A user on Get the API-key. 2. An open source version of Shuffle. Here's how to set it up

  1. Start by going to and create an account. Register user
  2. With an account made, go to Here you'll find your API-key. Copy it. Cloud sync cloud
  3. Go to your local instance at /admin and paste the API-key. Cloud sync local
  4. See the features you get access to. Cloud sync local features

Hybrid Features

Updated November 14th, 2022

Want to try it out? Hybrid Access is Free.

There are many features that make Shuffle more usable. These are mainly related to accessibility, scalability and collaboration - in that order. For the initial release (v0.8) of Shuffle, we've decided to focus entirely on accessibility. Every feature comes with some of the same basic features, so that you know what you're getting into.

These basic features are

  • Activation (true or false)
  • Limits (none or 0-infinite)
  • Privacy & Data sharing (none, minimal, high)
  • Type (general, actions, triggers, editor, )
  • Description

These are the categories they fit into 1. Accessibility - Makes Shuffle easier to use. We make every open source function open source, but some are hard or impossible to make easy for a user to have.

  • Collaboration - Gives access to shared workflows, apps and general searching. This is to make it possible to learn from each other.
  • Scalability - Gives access to use our hardware and servers, e.g. through cloud executions.

You can see most of our currently planned features on


Activation tells you whether the feature is active. It's indicated by the red or green mark next to the feature on the admin page. Cloud sync features indicator


Some features have limits. These are features such as SMS and email sending, schedule creation, cloud executions and more. Click each item to learn more.

Cloud sync features limits


The description exists to specify what exactly an action does. This will become more granular over time. Access it by clicking each feature.

Data collection

There are three types of data sharing, where the initial launch of Shuffle uses none. You can see the usage as per the image in limits

The three levels we'll keep to are:

  • None - Shuffle doesn't collect any information about your on-premises organization. This is most features.
  • Minimal - Shuffle collects a minimal amount of information necessary to execute the action. An example is a Workflow execution, where we'll need to gather information about the next steps in a workflow to properly execute it.
  • High - Shuffle collects the necessary information to handle information. This is used for when full synchronization, meaning information used on-premises will also be used in the cloud. An example is having access to edit workflows in the cloud, that will execute on-premises. This requires access to all the same apps, workflows, credentials, triggers, organizational users and more. PS: This will not happen for a while, and will be 100% OPTIONAL


Our pricing tiers for Shuffle are currently split into three: Basic, Community and Pro. Basic is a support tier, and exists to make it possible for you to support us without having to use alternative means such as github sponsors. Everything we build out that can be priced is for us to further create a better offering for the open source community.

Whenever we add new features that can help Shuffle work better by leveraging cloud resources, you'll automatically get access to it if you're on that tier.

These are our tiers:

  • Free
  • Enterprise / Scale


The basic tier is meant as a way for people to support Shuffle. It will give more perks over time, but to start of, it gives you and your team an onboarding meeting with Shuffle to get you kickstarted as well as some community support features.


Pro is the full package. It is meant for those of you who want everything from support to auditlogging, datacenter choices, compliance overviews, data retention control, reporting, and more. This package is currently not available as

Get in touch at if you want something more specific.

User management

User management Shuffle

User management is all about adding, listing, deleting and controlling users in general. Users are a part of a specific organization, and are created by organization admins. To add users you need the "admin" role.

Existing roles:

  • Org-Admin - Gives access to control an organization, and see what everyone in the organization are doing.
  • Org-User - Gives access to use the organizations resources, but NOT see everyone elses Workflows. This role is meant for engineers who are to build their own workflows, without potentially breaking others'
  • Org-Reader - Gives access to READ all data for an organization (like an admin), but not make any changes.

To come:

  • Creating API-only users (no login)
  • Granular access (RBAC)

Adding a user

Click the "ADD USER" button, and you'll get a popup. Type in their username (open source) or email (cloud), and you'll create an invite for them. Cloud will not allow an admin to set a password to share, but rather send them an email. This will also be a part of the hybrid offering later.

Adding a user to shuffle

Change a users' role

Click the "Role" dropdown and choose one. Defaults are Admin and User, but we'll add granular access for this now. To repeat, here's the current roles:

  • Admin - Gives you access to control an organization, and see what everyone in the organization are doing.
  • User - Gives you access to YOUR resources within an organization. This is to prevent you from seeing what everyone else are doing.

Deleting a user

A user in Shuffle can't be deleted, but deactivated. This is to keep all references available for when audits eventually require them. Click "Edit user", then "Deactivate". This prevents the user from being used. A deactivated user can be reactivated.

App Authentication

App authentication is a way for Shuffle to keep track of what credentials you have for an app in a specific organization. It shows you information the most important information, and gives you access to modify or easily delete them. Authentication is specified at the app level, and applies to ALL functions of the the app, unless specified otherwise. Authentication is created during workflow editing.

Basic app authentication

These are NOT editable outside of deletion as of november 2020, but we may add the possibility of changing without showing the previous value.


Shuffle supports the use of a KMS. Please see the extension documentation for more.

App Authentication Groups

App Authentication groups are a way for you to group authentications together, enabling a single workflow to run with multiple different authentication options and runtime locations. When a workflow runs with authentication groups selected, the workflow execution will replicate and run multiple versions of the same workflow at the same time, where the relevant authentication is filled in in real-time.


Requirements to use

  • Create at least two App Auth groups
  • Have at least two different available authentications for an app in the same organization
  • Choose the App Auth group you want to use in the app

If these requirements are fulfilled, the workflow will run as many times as there are App Auth groups selected in that workflow. If one app (e.g. Outlook) has selected to use App Auth groups in a workflow, we will distribute this to every node in the same workflow

This is a Beta feature aimed at Service Providers / MSSP's, and is being fleshed out in Q3 2024. If you are interested, please reach out to

App Auth Groups vs. Suborg Workflow distribution A similar topic for running workflows is the Suborg Workflow distribution system, available in the Edit Workflow menu.

The difference:

  • App Auth Groups run in a single Organization, and may as of Q2 2024 not be distributed to suborgs. Will run multiple workflow executions in one organization.
  • Suborg Workflow distribution is used when you want to segregate where and how the data is stored per organization, or where your customer may want access to the workflow. This uses a background distribution system when the parent workflow is saved.

Authentication Field overview

The fields of authentication

  • Icon - The App's icon. This is
  • Label - The name of the authentication scheme. Make it helpful, e.g. "QRadar Datacenter Amsterdam" or similar.
  • App Name - The name of the app it belongs to
  • Workflows - The amount of workflows it's being used in
  • Action Amount - The amount of actions that use the authentication
  • Fields - The fields specified by the app creator. It's usually a URL, an API key or username & password.
  • Actions - What you can do to edit the app. As of 20.11.2020, only deletion is accessible. By deleting it, you'll also make the workflow invalid.

Authentication in workflows

Authentication is and should be defined the first time you use an app. We'll use the example of TheHive, which takes the fields "apikey" and "url". Start by creating a workflow, before dragging in the app "TheHive".

Once it's in, click the node, and you'll see a view like this. We've outlined three places that indicate this app requires authentication. All of these are also clickable. Authentication in workflow

By clicking either of these, a popup window will show. In this one, type in a DESCRIPTIVE name (to remember), before passing credentials. PS: Never use localhost in an URL. Everything runs in a container, which has its own IP. Always use the system's IP/domain within the URL. Authentication workflow popup

By clicking "submit", the authentication is now saved for your organization. This removes clutter in the UI, by having less required fields, and is also reusable. You can now make multiple nodes that use the same authentication. Authentication view after submit

Last, but not least, this can now be controlled on an organizational level. The same authentication on

App creation with authentication

The fields are specified by the app creator. This short section outlines how to create authentication as a creator. More on this in the apps section. An example is TheHive, which takes a URL and an API-key. These fields have to be specified as seen below. App creation specification

Outer level: authentication Inner level: parameters

These parameters are specified exactly as a parameter within an action. The function's code needs to reflect it as well, as can be seen with this python function, taking an apikey and URL. App creation python code


Locations, previously Environments, are a core part of Shuffle's open source build. Cloud does not require any configuration for this, unless you are connecting to your on-premises datacenter/cloud VPC. Think of it as physical location where you want an agent of Shuffle running (Orborus) with access to the right locations.


The default location is called "Shuffle" in your on-premises installation, and "Cloud" in the Shuffle SaaS. You can add as many as you want, and will get access to the additional "cloud" location through cloud synchronization onprem.

Location fields

  • Name - The name to use. This is the identifier used by orborus.
  • Orborus running - Shows whether Orborus is running or not.
  • Type - Whether it's a cloud location or not. Orborus can't attach to "cloud" locations.
  • Default - Whether it's the default location to use for new actions. You should set this to the location you use the most.
  • Actions - Possible changes to a location. You can't re-open an archived location, and can't archive the default location.
  • Archived - Tells you whether it's archived. There's a toggle at the top to edit it.

Orborus configuration

If you would like to run Orborus towards a different location, you will have to specify the environment variables "ENVIRONMENT_NAME", "ORG", "AUTH" and "BASE_URL". AUTH and ORG may not be required. You can click the location to get a finished command.

Below is an example, where the locations's name is "Another env" and it's using as it's backend. This works on-premises as well if you change out the BASE_URL.

docker run \
	--volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
	-e ENVIRONMENT_NAME="Another env" \
	-e AUTH="Auth from the location" \
	-e ORG="Your org ID from the /admin UI top right" \
        -e DOCKER_API_VERSION=1.40 \
	-e BASE_URL= \

Scaling Orborus

By clicking the "Scale" or "K8s" tab, you will get relevant info related to scaling Shuffle the way you want. This IS available from cloud to onprem (hybrid).



You can learn more about files in this Youtube video:

Shuffle files tutorial

Using Multiple Environments

It's possible to create and use multiple environments for your Workflows.

  • First, let's create a new Environment, by clicking on the "Add Environment" button. SCR-20240430-evx

Once you add an environment, it will be displayed on the list.

  • If you create an Environment it will be set up as the Default for all workflows, but if you want to set a specific environment as the default click the "Default" button. SCR-20240430-exd

  • Alternatively, you can select a different environment for a particular workflow in the workflow settings by selecting it from the displayed list after clicking on "Environments". SCR-20240430-ey9

  • To run the respective environment, you need to copy the Onborus command and modify the necessary fields such as "ENVIRONMENT_NAME", "AUTH" and "ORG", and ensure they are correctly filled in. SCR-20240430-ftw

To check if the Onborus command is set up correctly, look for a change in status from "not running" to "running".

  • If you want to change the Onborus from "nightly" to a different worker, in this example "test", go to BASE_URL and after "/shuffle-orborus:" change "nightly" to "test".
docker run \
	--volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
	-e ENVIRONMENT_NAME="Another env" \
	-e AUTH="Auth from the environment" \
	-e ORG="Your org ID from the /admin UI top right" \
        -e DOCKER_API_VERSION=1.40 \
	-e BASE_URL= \


Shuffle has a health check API that can be used to check the health of your Shuffle instance. It's related endpoints are available at:

  • /api/v1/health: This gives you the result of the cached execution (doesn't require an API key)
  • /api/v1/stats: This gives you historical data about the health of your instance (doesn't require an API key)

You can also force a run by making an API call at:

  • /api/v1/health?force=true (calling this requires the API key of an admin user)

For the time being, this health check automatically runs every 15 minutes by default and can be disabled with the SHUFFLE_HEALTHCHECK_DISABLED=true environment variable.


Notifications are a way for Shuffle to inform you of a potential error in your workflows. We recommend you investigate them to see if the issue is an actual issue or not. They are organization-wide, meaning if you dismiss them, they get dismissed for everyone. A dismissed notification will show back up if it happens again.

Notification sources:

  • Failed workflows (Status: ABORTED)
  • Workflows that take more than 10 minutes (without delays)
  • Actions where the result JSON contains "success": false
  • Actions where the result JSON contains "status" more than or equal to 300 (usually failed workflows)
  • Failed Liquid formatting
  • When a returned app parameter starts with "shuffle" and contains "error". Example: "shuffle variable error" for when a variable is not found.
  • We may add more without warning in the future. They are only added for things that represent typical things you want to see

Accessing Notifications:

  • Through the UI: You can see a bell icon with a number next to it in the top right bar, when you are logged in. This indicates the amount of notifications you have. Clicking it will show you the notifications. If you see a number next to the notification, this is the amount of it that has occurred.
  • Selecting a Notification Workflow: If you go to /admin?admin_tab=organization, you can see a section called "Notification Workflow". Click on it to select an appropriate workflow. This workflow will be ran whenever a notification is created, except when bucketed. This can be used to automate opening tickets, sending emails, or whatever you want to do when there is an error in your notification.We use some sort of "bucketing" of notifications, to prevent you from getting spammed. This means, every time a notification is created 2 times under 2 minutes, we'll only send you one notification. This is to prevent you from getting spammed.

If you are on the open-source side, you can change the bucketing timeout by changing the SHUFFLE_NOTIFICATION_BUCKETING_MINUTES environment variable. This is set to 2 minutes by default.

Creating Custom Notifications: You can create notifications yourself with the Notification Creation API from Shuffle. These will act the same as any other notification by both being added to the UI, as well as being sent to your notification Workflow.

Disabling a Notification: You can ignore/disable a notification by clicking the "Disable" button next to any of them.