Shuffle started as a project in mid-2019 because of a few automation related problems that needed more attention in the CERT/SIRT community. Available automation solutions in the security industry are trying to do everything at once; handle tickets, indicators, threat intel and much more in a single platform, while our goal is to build the best automation solution to fit all your existing tools while following the Unix philosophy: "Do One Thing and Do It Well".
To make every security operations center share their processes, automations and detections in a standardized way. Cybersecurity is not a competiton, and shouldn't treated as such.
Focus for Shuffle has moved to an entirely open source and open standard ecosystem. This includes, but is not limited to; the Shuffle product, open workflows, open apps, open detections, open standards (OpenAPI/Swagger, CACAO). The Shuffle Cloud platform exists to ensure we can thrive as a business and to manage content at scale.
The Roadmap is our high level guide to the future, and may be reorganized without notice according to more immediate needs.
1.3 - Scale support, workflow statistics, stabilization and tracking. Expected release Q4 2023.
1.4 - Current release: Realtime Workflow Collaboration (+support workflow support cloud->onprem), Workflow Generation based on text, MSSP Tenant & Workflow Management, Dynamic Authentication, Vaults, Improved Coding Editor with Code Generator & Shuffle Functions, Improved Trigger management and branding, Hybrid Workflow Access. Kubernetes support. Expected release Q2 2024.
2.0: In Development (Release Candidate 3): API Standardization & Security Infrastructure as a Service: Schemaless, New Updated UI, proper API explorer & testing system, Workflow & Usecase generation, OpenID/SAML testing & user management mechanisms, Automation & Security Dashboards, Developer Friendliness with Workflows as Code, Form & MQ Triggers (pipelines), AI for Documentation -> App generation. MSSP: Multi-Tenant Workflows and other MSSP features. Expected release: Q1 2025
After next release: API action merging from forks. Multi-language support. OASIS CACAO support (and maybe OpenC2). Creator, Community & Partner earning re-initialization. Fully configurable Dashboards (from Automation & Secuerity). Focus on App, Workflow, Detection and Response ruleset sharing. Add Yara+Sandbox autoscans, Ansible response playbooks and OSQuery asset mapping. Expansive Mitre Att&ck & D3FEND support. Support for JSON-schema & Postman Collections. Optimize Realtime Workflow Collaboration. Mitre D3FEND and Att&ck tracking, automatic Sigma and Sublime detection mechanisms. Developer tooling for Workflows-as-code (secure curl / HTTP auth proxy), shufflepy (and other language).
These included, but were not limited to (no specific order):
Fredrik Ødegårdstuen - @frikkylikeme -