Shuffle API

2 minutes to read

Documentation for the Shuffle API. Change with your local domain/IP for on-premises usage.

Check your current location on the /admin page. Use the dropdown menu to change regions. image

Table of contents


Shuffle is a platform to build and execute automation workflows. It's built API-first, and everything available on the frontend has an API endpoint. The listed API's are built and generated with our own OpenAPI creator. All API's listed are for both versions of Shuffle (cloud/onprem), unless otherwise specified. Our OpenAPI specification can be downloaded here. Below are the base URL's for the API.


Onprem: https://:/api/v1


Shuffle uses Bearer auth for authentication. This means that every request you send to the API, you need to send it with the header "Authorization: Bearer ". If Shuffle is multi-tenancy configured, you may have multiple organizations. If you want to specify the organization to use, you may add the header "Org-Id: ". It will otherwise use the current active organization.

While logged in, you can go to or /settings in your local instance to get your APIkey. Keep this safe.

Get all apps example

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY"

Authentication failure Status code: 401

{"success": false}


Shuffle responses follow the response codes listed below. The data you can expect is mostly in the following json form, whether success or failure.

	"success": <true/false>,
	"reason": "You failed to do something"
200Successful request. Usually contains information about the success.
401Not authorized, or an error occurred. Usually contains a reason for the error.
405Method not allowed. We use GET/POST/PUT/DELETE
500A backend error occurred.

Workflow API

Workflows are used to execute your automations, and has endpoints related to creation, triggers, saving and deleting, aborting and listing.

List all workflows

Return a list of all existing workflows

Method: GET

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY"

List workflow runs

Returns a list of executions for a given workflow. Use "top=10" to get 10 last results. Use "cursor=" to get next page.

Method: GET

curl{workflow_id}/executions -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY"

Success response

  "success": true,
  "executions": [],
  "cursor": "cursor"

List workflow executions (old)

Returns a list of executions for a given workflow

Method: GET

curl{workflow_id}/executions -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY"

Success response


Get a workflow

Returns a given workflow. This is the same as exporting the workflow.

Method: GET

curl{workflow_id} -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY"

Create new workflow

Creates a basic workflow with a given name and description. Returns a startpoint for a workflow.

Method: POST

curl -XPOST -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" -d '{"name": "Example API workflow", "description": "Description for the workflow"}'

Success response

{"actions":[],"branches":[],"triggers":[],"schedules":null,"id":"25cb3cc6-f343-4511-827f-b60557043327","is_valid":true,"name":"Example API workflow","description":"Description for the workflow","start":"","owner":"4669463f-f98e-4d86-891d-76edac4356c6","sharing":"private","execution_org":{"name":"","org":"","users":null,"id":""},"workflow_variables":null}

Save a workflow

Saves a workflow with a given WORKFLOW_ID. Requires WORKFLOW_ID from Create new workflow to match in the parameter and the data sent.

PS: This function is destructive and does not check everything, but will return if there are missing apps or similar

Method: PUT

curl -XPUT -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" --data '{"actions":[],"branches":[],"triggers":[],"schedules":null,"id":"WORKFLOW_ID","is_valid":true,"name":"Example workflow","description":"Description for the workflow","start":"","owner":"4669463f-f98e-4d86-891d-76edac4356c6","sharing":"private","execution_org":{"name":"","org":"","users":null,"id":""},"workflow_variables":null}'

Success response

{"success": true}

Delete a workflow

Deletes a workflow with a given ID.

Method: DELETE

curl -XDELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" 

Success response

{"success": true}

Execute workflow

Executes a given workflow with optional arguments "execution_argument" and "start". Start is the node to execute from.

Methods: POST, GET

curl -XPOST{workflow_id}/execute -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" -d '{"execution_argument": "DATA TO EXECUTE WITH", "start": ""}'

Additional info:

  • If you don't send JSON to the API, but a random string, we will take the entire string as the execution argument.
  • You can add dynamic app authentication when starting a workflow by using the following header: 'appauth'. Example: 'appauth: jira=auth for jira;elasticsearch=elasticsearch auth'. This works both with the name of the auth, and the ID.
  • If you want to run the workflow with a different environment, use the "environment" header with the name. Example: 'environment: cloud'. The environment needs to be the name of an existing environment.

Success response

{"success": true, "execution_id": "6e58639e-a24f-4af8-b62b-d6fcc2bc10f4", "authorization": "26fb304f-92c9-4ca5-9735-9173ce80569e"}

Get execution results

Gets an execution based on results from Execute workflow. Requires execution_id and authorization parameters. You can only use the authorization key in the data itself to get the ID, not in the header. To track progress, call this every few seconds and look for updates to "results" (json"results").

Methods: POST

curl -XPOST -d '{"execution_id": "ad9baac7-dc30-42da-bb1f-18b84309cfb7", "authorization": "62b3de56-9de0-4983-ad72-e63c42d123f8"}'

Success response

{"type":"workflow","status":"ABORTED","start":"","execution_argument":"DATA TO EXECUTE WITH","execution_id":"ad9baac7-dc30-42da-bb1f-18b84309cfb7","workflow_id":"8f3c6a10-f5ca-432c-aef9-c5e038166c45","last_node":"","authorization":"62b3de56-9de0-4983-ad72-e63c42d123f8","result":"","started_at":1591074812,"completed_at":1591074857,"project_id":"shuffle","locations":["europe-west2"],"workflow":{"actions":[{"app_name":"testing","app_version":"1.0.0","app_id":"c567fc10-9c15-403e-b72c-6550e9e76bc8","errors":null,"id":"de10798e-2c66-4e0c-bfdd-8b645a8e3748","is_valid":true,"isStartNode":true,"sharing":true,"private_id":"","label":"testing_1","small_image":"","large_image":"","environment":"Shuffle","name":"repeat_back_to_me","parameters":[{"description":"message to repeat","id":"","name":"call","example":"","value":"","multiline":true,"action_field":"","variant":"STATIC_VALUE","required":true,"schema":{"type":"string"}}],"position":{"x":-326.750381666118,"y":52.50022245682308},"priority":0},{"app_name":"Virustotal","app_version":"1.0.0","app_id":"e5d625cee91f5f8328f2f4ef09ef313e","errors":null,"id":"bdec0a1c-381c-4e90-ba04-db40db98406c","is_valid":true,"isStartNode":false,"sharing":false,"private_id":"e5d625cee91f5f8328f2f4ef09ef313e","label":"Virustotal_1","small_image":"","large_image":"","environment":"Shuffle","name":"get_ip_report","parameters":[{"description":"The apikey to use","id":"","name":"apikey","example":"","value":"","multiline":false,"action_field":"VT APIKEY","variant":"WORKFLOW_VARIABLE","required":true,"schema":{"type":"string"}},{"description":"Generated by OpenAPI","id":"","name":"ip","example":"","value":"","multiline":false,"action_field":"","variant":"STATIC_VALUE","required":true,"schema":{"type":"string"}}],"position":{"x":-657.9998647811465,"y":52.000953074820615},"priority":0}],"branches":[{"destination_id":"bdec0a1c-381c-4e90-ba04-db40db98406c","id":"7ad84769-3e7f-48af-af73-802bc93b5c2c","source_id":"de10798e-2c66-4e0c-bfdd-8b645a8e3748","label":"","has_errors":false,"conditions":null}],"triggers":null,"schedules":null,"id":"8f3c6a10-f5ca-432c-aef9-c5e038166c45","is_valid":true,"name":"VT testing","description":"Helo","start":"de10798e-2c66-4e0c-bfdd-8b645a8e3748","owner":"4669463f-f98e-4d86-891d-76edac4356c6","sharing":"private","execution_org":{"name":"","org":"","users":null,"id":""},"workflow_variables":[{"description":"","id":"ec16e9a6-5d13-46ba-8613-ebf301569f44","name":"VT APIKEY","value":""}]},"results":null}

Abort workflow

Aborts an execution based on a WORKFLOW_ID and EXECUTION_ID. Can only be done while the status is "EXECUTING".

Methods: GET

curl{workflow_id}/executions/{execution_id}/abort -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY"

Success response

{"success": true}


Apps are the building blocks used in workflows, as they contain the actions to be executed. First of all, there are two types of apps:

  • Generated from OpenAPI
  • Self-made with Python

Here's how to distinguish them for now:

  • OpenAPI: app.activated & app.generated = true, and app.private_id length > 0
  • Normal: Opposite of OpenAPI

Get apps

Returns a list of existing apps that you have access to, including private ones.

Methods: GET

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY"

Delete an app

Deletes an app if you have access to delete it.

Methods: DELETE

curl -XDELETE{app_id} -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY"

Upload a python app

Uploads a python app. You should upload a zip file with the following like file structure. This has to be done for each individual version of the app. The app uploaded is available to everyone in the organization.

If you need help with this section, look into the Shuffle CLI utility as well.

To zip an app, go to the appfolder, e.g. shuffle-tools, then type in the following to zip the version you want to upload (*nix):

zip -r version/*

This will give you the following structure.
├── src
│   ├──
├── api.yaml
├── Dockerfile
├── requirements.txt

Methods: POST

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" -F 'shuffle_file=@./your_file/file_path/'

Success response

{"success": true, "id": "798f1234c4fb8b4a6300da3c546af45a"}

The ID returned is based on these fields being unique:

  • Organization
  • App Name
  • App ID

After an app is uploaded, the App cache for your Organization is cleared, meaning your apps will be loaded from the database directly. If you want to see whether your app was uploaded or not, you can always check the app directly here (swap appid):{appid}

Stats and Timelines

Stats and Timelines are a system built to help track changes to something over time. This is used both by internal systems in Shuffle, and is an option for you to use in Workflows or elsewhere to make timelines. Adding statistics was added in versions >1.4.3, and graphing of ANY value will be available soon. Graphs for default tracked information like App and Workflow utilisation is on the statistics admin page for your Organisation.

PS: Statistics are visible to you for every 5th number counted. This means you need to count the number 1 five times, or any number higher than 5 one time for it to be visible.

Get Stats

Returns the statistics for an organisation

Method: GET

curl{ORG_ID}/stats  -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY"

Success response

  "org_id": "orgid",
  "org_name": "orgname",
  "last_cleared": 1722463229,
  "daily_statistics": [
      "date": "2024-06-27T10:38:56.488732Z",
      "app_executions": 32,
      "app_executions_failed": 0,
      "subflow_executions": 10,
      "workflow_executions": 10,
      "workflow_executions_finished": 20,
      "workflow_executions_failed": 0,
      "org_sync_actions": 0,
      "cloud_executions": 20,
      "onprem_executions": 0,
      "ai_executions": 0,
      "api_usage": 0,
      "app_usage": null,
      "additions": [
          "key": "app_executions_Cloud",
          "value": 42
          "key": "custom_sample_key",
          "value": 10
  "additions": [
      "key": "app_executions_Cloud",
      "value": 42
      "key": "custom_sample_key",
      "value": 123,
      "daily_value": 113

Count Stats for Custom key

Add a statistic to be added, e.g. for number of tickets found over time. Custom statistics are tracked under the key "customX", where "custom" is appended unless supplied, and "X" is the key you supply. They can be found in the "additions" section of the Get Stats API response.

Use the "Count Stats" action in Shuffle tools to do this in a Workflow

Method: POST

curl{ORG_ID}/stats  -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" -d '{"key": "tickets", "value": 6}'

Success response

{"success": true, "reason": "Cache incremented by 6"}

App Authentication

App Authentication is a way to store authentication keys encrypted and safe, available through using their ID. You can interact with it through a workflow, an app or the admin panel at /admin?tab=app_auth. To use an authentication after it's made, it has to be mapped to an action in a workflow by it's ID.

Here is a brief video that you can watch to learn more about it:

App Authentication video

List App Authentication

Get a list of all app authentication. These are all the authentication currently available to YOUR organization. These can be distributed from Parent org to Child org.

Methods: GET

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY"

Success response

{"success": true, "data": []}

Set Authentication Everywhere

When you have an authentication available, it is possible to set it everywhere using an API. This will update all your current workflows that uses that app to use the specified authentication. This can also be done while creating an app authentication by setting the field "auto_distribute": true in the json

Methods: POST

curl -XPOST{authentication_id}/config -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" -d '{"action"
: "assign_everywhere", "id": "authentication_id"}'

Success response

{"success": true}

Allow suborgs to use auth

Parent organizations have the option to allow child orgs to use the same auth. The suborgs can not modify the auth they get access to. Intended for use where you e.g. have one ticketing system as an MSSP which you want to create tickets in from your child orgs (customers).

Methods: POST

curl -XPOST{authentication_id}/config -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" -d '{"action"
: "suborg_distribute", "id": "authentication_id"}'

Success response

{"success": true}

Delete App Authentication

Delete an authentication. PS: This does NOT change the ID of every workflow that utilizes the app.

Methods: DELETE

curl{authentication_id} -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY"

Success response

{"success": true}

Add App Authentication

Add authentication to an app, available through e.g. the Workflow editor, or authentication explorer. When adding this, make sure the app has an ID (uuid) and name attached to it, and that the fields are matching the apps' description.

You can find the fields following these steps: 1. Get the app you want to use (e.g. Jira) 2. Find a sample Action (doesn't matter which) 3. Loop through the Action's parameter's and find fields tagged with "configuration": true

If you want it auto distributed to all existing workflows in your org, add "auto_distribute": true to the JSON body

Method: PUT

curl -XPUT -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" '{
	"label":"Auth for Jira",
	"app": {
	}, "fields":[

Success response

{"success": true, "id": "app_id"}

Search existing apps

Returns a list of apps that are hidden in the backend, e.g. OpenAPI apps loaded from Security API's. Requires the search parameter.

Example: {"search": "secure"} will match both "secureworks" and "Cisco openVuln", because Secureworks has "secure" in its name and Cisco uses "secure" in its description.

Methods: POST

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" -d '{"search": "APPNAME"}'

Success response

{"success": true, "reason": [{apps here}]}

Download REMOTE apps

Describes how to download remote apps from a Github repository, including private ones.

User API

Below are the endpoints related to user creation, editing, listing, apikey generation and more.

List users

Lists all available users. Requires admin rights.

Methods: GET

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" 

Success response List of users

Register a new user

Registers a user based on the username and password provided. If it's the first user, it can be done by anyone, otherwise only admins.

Methods: POST

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" -d '{"username": "username", "password": "P@ssw0rd"}'

Success response

{"success": true}

Update a user

Updates a user. Requires admin rights.

Supported fields:

  • username
  • role (admin/user)

Methods: PUT

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" -d '{"user_id": "USERID", "role": "user"}'

Success response

{"success": true}

Deactivates a user

Deactivates a user. This exists instead of a deletion method. Requires admin rights.

Method: DELETE

curl -XDELETE{userid} -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" 

Success response

{"success": true}

Get new apikey

Re-generates a new apikey. Requires admin for POST. GET changes YOUR apikey. The API-key will always be 36 in length (uuid)

Methods: GET, POST (admin)

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" -d '{"user_id": "id"}'

Success response

{"success": true, "username": "username", "verified": false, "apikey": "new apikey"}

Datastore API

Datastore is a persistent storage mechanism you can use for workflows to talk to each other between executions, or for normal storage. Below are the endpoints related to datastore (cache) creation, listing, deletion and more. This API is available to Python apps by using self.set_cache("key", "value") and self.get_cache("key")

Add a key

To add or edit a cache key use

Methods: POST, PUT

curl{org_id}/set_cache -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" -d '{"key":"hi", "value":"1234"}'

Success response

{"success": true}

Get a key

Search for a cache key. For keys set in a workflow, it may unavailable with the normal API, and require execution_id & authorization in the JSON body.

Methods: POST

curl{org_id}/get_cache -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" -d '{"org_id": "ORG_ID", "key": "hi"}'

Success response


List all keys

List existing datastore (cache) keys

Methods: GET

curl{org_id}/list_cache -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY"

Success response


Delete a key

Deletes a key, completely removing all references to it

Methods: DELETE

curl -XDELETE{org_id}/cache/{cache_key} -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY"

Success response

{"success": true}

File API

Below are the endpoints related to file creation, uploading, downloading, listing and more. This API is available to Python apps by using self.set_files(files) and self.get_file(file_id)

Create a file

Creating a file is necessary before uploading one. This is to prepare the file location which is always per-organization only. Use "global" for the workflow_id if it's not associated with one.

Methods: POST

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" -d '{"filename": "file.txt", "org_id": "your_organization", "workflow_id": "workflow_id", "namespace": "category", "labels": ["label1", "label2"]}'

Success response

{"success": true, "id": "e19cffe4-e2da-47e9-809e-904f5cb03687"}

Upload a file

Uploads a file to an ID created with the "Create a file" API function. This is only possible once and can't be overwritten.

Methods: POST

curl{file}/upload -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" -F 'shuffle_file=@./your_file/file_path/with_a_file.txt'

Success response

{"success": true, "id": "e19cffe4-e2da-47e9-809e-904f5cb03687"}

List files

Gets the meta for all files (up to 1000)

Methods: GET

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" 

Success response

[{"id":"e19cffe4-e2da-47e9-809e-904f5cb03687","type":"","created_at":1614015359,"updated_at":1614015521,"meta_access_at":0,"last_downloaded":0,"description":"","expires_at":"","status":"active","filename":"file.txt","url":"","org_id":"b199646b-16d2-456d-9fd6-b9972e929466","workflow_id":"global","workflows":null,"download_path":"shuffle-files/b199646b-16d2-456d-9fd6-b9972e929466/global/e19cffe4-e2da-47e9-809e-904f5cb03687","md5_sum":"3917d8dbd72e73a2db92ad5bb6544940","sha256_sum":"3f25c3613d658ecdd7ee9b7777193ffb084ebe43e641f6daa3c3181f0b631c08","filesize":1061,"duplicate":false,"subflows":null}, {"id":"e19cffe4-e2da-47e9-809e-904f5cb03687","type":"","created_at":1614015359,"updated_at":1614015521,"meta_access_at":0,"last_downloaded":0,"description":"","expires_at":"","status":"active","filename":"file.txt","url":"","org_id":"b199646b-16d2-456d-9fd6-b9972e929466","workflow_id":"global","workflows":null,"download_path":"shuffle-files/b199646b-16d2-456d-9fd6-b9972e929466/global/e19cffe4-e2da-47e9-809e-904f5cb03687","md5_sum":"3917d8dbd72e73a2db92ad5bb6544940","sha256_sum":"3f25c3613d658ecdd7ee9b7777193ffb084ebe43e641f6daa3c3181f0b631c08","filesize":1061,"duplicate":false,"subflows":null}]

Download a file

Gets the file CONTENT of a file

Methods: GET

curl{id}/content -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" 

Success response


Get file meta data

Gets metadata for a file, as well as some security relevant info like MD5 and Sha256 sum.

Methods: POST

curl{id} -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" 

Success response


Delete a file

Deletes a file. The file meta is left intact, but the file itself is removed from existence. Status is changed to "deleted".

Methods: DELETE

curl -XDELETE{id} -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" 

Success response

{"success": true}

Edit an existing file

Edit an active file with existing content (/upload) for first uploads. The file meta is left intact, except for the hash sums, sizing and timestamps. This function is meant to be used together with file categories to e.g. handle Detection rules.

Methods: PUT

curl -XPUT{id}/edit -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" -d 'this is the new content of the file'

Success response

{"success": true}

Get file category

Gets all files in a namespace zipped. The point of this function is to be able to load in multiple files at once in order to e.g. run detections. By adding the query ids=true, it will instead give you a list of all the files. When receiveing file it will automatically deduplicate files with the same Sha256 hash.

Methods: GET

curl{category} -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY"


{"success": True, "list": [{
	"name": "Filename",
	"id": "file_uuid",
	"name": "Filename2",
	"id": "file_uuid2",

Success response



Triggers in Shuffle have their own custom usage and APIs.

Get all schedules

Get all schedules

Methods: GET

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" 

Success response

[{"id":"cabaaffc-db53-4e19-ad8b-4f5fc0dc49c9","start_node":"","seconds":0,"workflow_id":"7b8ffd74-5e67-4700-bf79-751d1ac7e5e4","argument":"{\"start\":\"\",\"execution_source\":\"schedule\",\"execution_argument\":\"{\\\"example\\\": {\\\"json\\\": \\\"is cool\\\"}}\"}","wrapped_argument":"{\"start\":\"\",\"execution_source\":\"schedule\",\"execution_argument\":\"{\\\"example\\\": {\\\"json\\\": \\\"is cool\\\"}}\"}","appinfo":{"sourceapp":{"foldername":"","name":"","id":"","description":"","action":""},"destinationapp":{"foldername":"","name":"","id":"","description":"","action":""}},"finished":false,"base_app_location":"","org":"37217426-f794-429c-a0f9-548f7055af45","createdby":"","availability":"","creationtime":1641573762,"lastmodificationtime":1641573762,"lastruntime":1641573762,"frequency":"*/15 * * * *","environment":""}]

Schedule a workflow

Schedule a workflow to run at certain intervals. The node in the workflow must exist, and that the execution argument MUST be a string.

Methods: POST

curl -XPOST{workflow_id}/schedule -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" -d '{
	"frequency":"*/25 * * * *",
	"execution_argument": "{\"example\": {\"json\": \"is cool\"}}",

Success response


Stop a workflow schedule

Stop a schedule from running

Methods: DELETE

curl -XDELETE{workflow_id}/schedule/{schedule_id} -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" 

Success response


Create and start webhook

Start a new webhook

Methods: POST

curl -XPOST -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" -d '{"name":"Webhook_1","type":"webhook","id":"db434f8c-a9cb-47ec-abf8-ad8fb10e5809","workflow":"7b8ffd74-5e67-4700-bf79-751d1ac7e5e4","start":"6601f07f-92f2-45d3-88bf-328db7bfdfa0","environment":"cloud","auth":""}'

Additional info when RUNNING a webhook:

  • You can add dynamic app authentication when running a webhook by using the following header: appauth. Example: appauth: jira=auth for jira;elasticsearch=elasticsearch auth. This works both with the name of the auth, and the ID.

Success response


Delete and stop webhook

Stop a running webhook from being available

Methods: DELETE

curl -XDELETE{webhook_id} -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" 

Success response

{"success":true, "reason": "Stopped webhook"}


Below are the API's associated with Notifications in Shuffle. These can be listed, marked as read, and cleared.

Create a notification

Notifications can be manually created, and will show up on the /admin?tab=priorities tab. This API is automatically utilized if you are running onprem with the Worker. This WILL trigger the notification workflow if it has been set up, and they will be grouped according to normal Notification control rules.

Methods: POST

curl -XPOST -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" -d '{"org_id": "YOUR ORGID", "title": "The title", "description": "The description of the notification", "reference_url": "URL for where to go when the user clicks explore"}'

Success response


Get all notifications

Get all notifications assigned to your user from your organizations

Methods: GET

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" 

Success response

{"success":true,"notifications":[{"image":"","created_at":1638898114,"updated_at":1638898114,"title":"Error in Workflow \"Shuffle Workflow helloooo\"","description":"Node shuffle_tools_1 in Workflow Shuffle Workflow Winner announcement was found to have an error. Click to investigate","org_id":"","user_id":"","tags":null,"amount":1,"id":"057bf2b5-d29d-4bb4-bf2f-d8a6ee882dfe","reference_url":"/workflows/1693bf4a-b0f4-46dd-8257-448cbc6b0e9b?execution_id=74adf061-f949-4392-9e2d-1fd5e3381037\u0026view=executions\u0026node=ef683a39-4c2b-4c83-ad2d-d28a922e44b4","org_notification_id":"60a22356-1028-4226-b755-51804e3a25a2","dismissable":true,"personal":true,"read":false}]}

Mark all notifications as read

Clears all notifications

Methods: GET

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" 

Success response


Mark notification as read

Marks a single notification as read

Methods: GET

curl{notificationId}/markasread -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" 

Success response



Below are the endpoints related to organization/tenant creation, editing, listing and more.

Get an Organization

Get an Organization by its ID

Methods: GET

curl{org_id} -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" 

Success response

{"name":"Testing","description":"Description","company_type":"","image": "base64 image", "id":"583816e5-40ab-4212-8c7a-e54c8edd6b51","org":"new suborg","users":[],"role":"","roles":["admin","user"],"active_apps":["eb6b633ebbb77575ad17789eecf36cdf"],"cloud_sync":false,"cloud_sync_active":true,"sync_config":{"interval":0,"api_key":"","source":""},"sync_features": {}, "invites":null,"child_orgs":[],"manager_orgs":null,"creator_org":"PARENT_ORG_ID","disabled":false,"partner_info":{"reseller":false,"reseller_level":""},"sso_config":{"sso_entrypoint":"","sso_certificate":"","client_id":"","client_secret":"","openid_authorization":"","openid_token":""},"main_priority":"","region":"","region_url":"","tutorials":[]} 

Create a Suborg

Creates an organization that will be the child of your current organization. Can not be done from a existing Child org. Required fields: org_id and name. OrgId needs to match your CURRENT organization.

Methods: POST

curl -XPOST{org_id}/create_sub_org -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" -d '{"org_id": "org_id", "name": "Child Org Name"}'

Success response

{"success": true, "reason": "Successfully created new sub-org"}

Change current Organization

Shuffle is based on your CURRENT organization. This means you have to swap between your Organizations to get the the relevant information. If you want access to force the usage of another organization than your currently active one, use "Org-Id=<org_id>" as a Header. This is a further outlined in the Authentication section.

Methods: POST

curl -XPOST{CURRENT_ORG_ID}/change -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" -d '{"org_id": "ORG TO CHANGE TO"}'

Success response

{"success": true, "reason": "Changed Organization", "region_url": "New API endpoint IF applicable"}

Edit Organization

Edit an Organization. Each field is individually managed, except org_id which is required.

Methods: POST

curl -XPOST{org_id} -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" -d '{"org_id": "current org id", "name": "New Organization Name", "image": "Base64 image", "description": "New Description"}'

Success response

{"success": true, "reason": "Changed Organization", "region_url": "New API endpoint IF applicable"}

List Organizations

Lists the available organizations to your account

Methods: GET

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" 

Success response

[{"name":"Testing","description":"Description","company_type":"","image": "base64 image", "id":"583816e5-40ab-4212-8c7a-e54c8edd6b51","org":"new suborg","users":[],"role":"","roles":["admin","user"],"active_apps":["eb6b633ebbb77575ad17789eecf36cdf"],"cloud_sync":false,"cloud_sync_active":true,"sync_config":{"interval":0,"api_key":"","source":""},"sync_features": {}, "invites":null,"child_orgs":[],"manager_orgs":null,"creator_org":"PARENT_ORG_ID","disabled":false,"partner_info":{"reseller":false,"reseller_level":""},"sso_config":{"sso_entrypoint":"","sso_certificate":"","client_id":"","client_secret":"","openid_authorization":"","openid_token":""},"main_priority":"","region":"","region_url":"","tutorials":[]}]

Delete Organizations

Deletes an organization. Only possible for sub-organizations.

This requires you to have already removed all workflows, and will NOT clean up all the data in the database until it expires (3 months~)

Methods: DELETE

curl -XDELETE{org_id} -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" 

Success response

{"success": true}

Integration Layer

The Integration Layer of Shuffle is a way to interact with apps a new way. It utilizes Apps that are Categorized and Labeled, and gives access to API's for specific actions for each of those labels. Behind the scenes there is always a workflow for each of these, and Shuffle wants to give granular control of each individual Workflow if wanted. The integration layer is based on Shuffle's Schemaless translation technology, built on top of LLMs, with the goal of making Shuffle be able to act as a Large Action Model (LAM).



The easiest way to try it out for developer is to use the Shufflepy library.

from shufflepy import Shuffle

## If the url is not specified, the library will use `` as the default URL. You must specify an apikey. 

shuffle = Singul("APIKEY")
resp = shuffle.list_tickets("jira")

Run a Category Action

Runs the category action in a standardized format.

Methods: POST

curl -XPOST -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY" -d '{
	"app_name": "PagerDuty",
	"category": "cases",
	"label": "create_ticket",
	"fields": [{
		"key": "title",
		"value": "This is the title"
	}, {
		"key": "description",
		"value": "This is the description"
	}, {
		"key": "source",
		"value": "Shuffle"
	"skip_workflow": true

Success response 200 means the app ran and performed both input and output translation properly

Default Label Output

202 means the app ran, but the output translation failed. This will return the DEFAULT output of the action that ran.

Other status codes: They are based on the API from the app itself, and indicates something went wrong.

Get Active Categories

To find what categories with what apps you have that are active, run this API. It will return with what categories and actions for those categories you have available. This is based on the current organization.

Methods: GET

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer APIKEY"

Success response

	"action_labels":["Create ticket"],
	"app_labels": [{
		"labels": [{
			"label":"Create ticket"